

    So, let's start nice and simple. My name is Jonathan Martinez, I am born and raised here in Georgia. For the most part, I do what almost every other regular person does once they graduate high school. I work 60% of my day and devote the last 40% to school life, not much excitement. But, the only good thing about my life, apart from living with a nice family, being happy at my job, is that I live on a farm or almost a farm. My family and I live with a lot of animals, almost too many to count. People ask me here and there, "What type of animals do you own?" But, really they should be asking what I don't own. That being cows, pigs, rabbits, and fish. Everything else, horses (yes plural), sheep, goats, dogs, chickens, turkeys, pheasants, peacocks, cats, and rats all have a place in our small home. Living with so many animals comes with its perks, you never have to go to a zoo ever again unless you want to see big cats or a hippo, and you can spend an afternoon walking with the animals, which gives you an animal whisperer type of feel. The best part has to be 
    However, the "farm life" isn't always so fun. Every day comes with a new issue, such as your animals being killed by predators such as snakes, hawks, owls, coyotes and you have to be able to wake up in the middle of the night and hopefully save your animals. Luckily, the dogs we own always provide protection for everyone around the place. Sometimes we are able to save our flocks or our groups of animals but other times we are too late and have dead animals all around. But, that's the circle of life right, the survival of the fittest? You either survive or become somethings lunch. Thankfully, that is a rare occurrence since everyone takes precautions to protect what we have. Not only do we have to constantly worry about predators eating our animals, but we also have to protect the animals from bacteria and diseases, which require medication given to every single sheep and goat to ensure the disease does not kill them. It's not an easy task. Imagine there are almost 80 rubber balls soaked in oil constantly bouncing around and you have to catch every single one. Again, not a simple task. But, it's our responsibility as owners to ensure we can save every single sheep, goat, turkey, horse, and every other animal. It's not always fun but, I prefer the space and open-air over anything else. 


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